SOS: 12 Days Left in Epic California GMO Labeling Battle... We Need Your Help!

The most recent voter poll on the November 6 Proposition 37 California ballot initiative to label genetically engineered foods comes out today, Thursday. And the results are somewhat alarming: after enjoying a 26-point lead for the past six months, our side is now barely ahead in the polls.
We still enjoy a lead among those who don’t watch TV, but unfortunately California TV watchers are turning against us.
For 25 days Monsanto and their allies have filled the California airwaves with $1 million dollars a day in TV and radio ads, spewing lies about how mandatory labeling for genetically engineered food will mean higher costs for consumers, lawsuits clogging the courts, "confusing" labels and poor farmers and grocers facing "nightmares of paperwork."
Up until now we haven’t had the money to counter these lies with our own TV ads, but this will all change in two days. On Saturday, October 27, our Yes on Prop 37 TV ads will finally begin running. Surveys have shown that once undecided or even opposed voters see our ads they change their minds, and come back over to our side.
The problem is, we only have only $3 million dollars for TV ads between now and November 6 – and our adversaries have $15 million dollars. We can still win on Nov. 6 by exposing six or seven million California voters to our TV ads. But we need to raise more money, and we need to raise it now.
Complementing our “air strategy” (TV, radio, and internet) is our “ground strategy.” The mobilization of our grassroots volunteers is the key component of our ground strategy to overcome Monsanto and Food Inc.'s onslaught. Our 10,000 volunteers for Yes on 37 are fighting back on the ground by talking to voters in front of supermarkets, and by talking to prospective voters on the phone. These grassroots efforts will culminate in a major Get-Out-the-Vote campaign on November 6.
The moment of truth has arrived in this David versus Goliath battle. The whole world is watching. Everything we’ve worked for in the past 15 years is on the line. We desperately need your emergency last-minute donations and your volunteer energy. Please support us in these last 12 days of the campaign!
Where Are the Yes on 37 TV Ads?
Big Food dumped another $5 million into the No on 37 campaign war chest last week, bringing the total No on 37 donations to more than $41 million. Companies like Kraft, Hershey, Kellogg’s, Campbell Soup, Smithfield Foods, Pepsi and others apparently are just as desperate as Monsanto, Dow and Dupont to sink Prop 37 – so they can continue to rake in huge profits at the expense of your health.
What does $40 million-plus buy? Twenty-five days straight of dominating California airwaves with TV and radio ads. The No campaign has snatched up more of California’s airtime than the presidential candidates.
Prop 37 supporters are asking: Where are the Yes on 37 TV ads?
They’re coming. With the campaign’s limited funds - a fraction of what Big Biotech and Big Food have raised to defeat Prop 37 – Yes on 37 TV ads will run during the last 10 days of the campaign, when they can have the most impact. How frequently they will run, and in how many markets, will depend on how much more we can raise in the next few days.
The Prop 37 campaign needs $2 million more to make the impact we need in order to win. It sounds like a lot – but if 20,000 people gave $100 each, we’d get there today.
We need your help now to get these ads out to voters who can still be persuaded to vote Yes on 37. And we need you to reach out to anyone and everyone you know who cares about the future of food, and ask them to help, too.
Please help us finish strong – and change the food movement forever – with your generous donation today. Thank you!
DONATE TO THE ORGANIC CONSUMERS ASSOCIATION (tax-deductible, and helps support our public education work against GMOs and chemical food, and our work on behalf of organic standards, fair trade and sustainable farming)
Etiquetas: California, en, Organic Consumers Association, Proposition 37