July 26, 2006 10:30 AM - Mairi Beautyman, Berlin, Germany

Chowing down on genetically engineered food? If you live in the U.S. or Canada, chances are that is a yes. What exactly does it do to you? Now there's the gray area... The most recent country to say no to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is Venezuela. Thanks to President Hugo Chavez Frias, these crops won't be growing on Venezuelan soil. Recently, varying degrees of these bans have been sprouting up all over the place, from California (more here and here) to European countries including Switzerland and Greece. Do they work? Well, the problem is regulation—and pressure from the U.S., Argentina, and Canada, according to a recent New York Times article. Effective this year, despite the bans, members of the European Union are required to keep their doors open to GMOs. Read more on GMOs here and here. ::Organic Consumers Organization via ::Hugg
Etiquetas: Venezuela
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