jueves, mayo 10, 2012

Labeling update

Monsanto's Minions in California

Find out who's spreading Monsanto's lies and trying to kill the CA Label GMOs/Right to Know ballot initiative. Hint... It isn't a grassroots coalition of farmers and small businesses. Remember, 9 out of 10 voters support labels on genetically engineered food! Lies being spread against mandatory labeling of GMOs are the handiwork of big business propagandists, merchants of death hired to the dirty work for the tobacco companies, insurance industry and the chemical industry.

Connecticut Correction and Update

Last week, OCA erroneously reported that the labeling bill (HB 5117) in the Connecticut legislature was stalled and appeared to be going nowhere. This was untrue! Despite massive public support for labeling of GMOs, once again, Monsanto threatened a lawsuit and legislators rolled right over. Over the weekend, the bill was eviscerated and the labeling provision removed before it was voted on by the House. Unfortunately, we inadvertently predicted this kind of outrageous outcome. This subversion of democracy is why we need to stand up to Monsanto and support the California Ballot Initiative.

Right to Know Movement Heads to Oregon

There is a chance California won't be alone this November in the Right to Know Genetically Engineered Foods campaign. While we've just seen state legislatures in Vermont and Connecticut back down from passing similar GMO labeling legislation, even in the face of overwhelming public support, organizers in Oregon have a chance to take a cue from California and get an initiative on this year's ballot.
Oregon's Right to Know initiative, which mandates labeling for genetically engineered foods, has been jumping through the administrative hoops of the initiative process since March and is expected to emerge from that process ready for signature gathering at the beginning of June. That will give volunteers four weeks to gather at least 100,000 signatures before the initiative deadline. For the Oregon Right to Know initiative to succeed, they need your help. If you live in Oregon, visit the campaign's web site and volunteer to help gather signatures. Whether you collect signatures from your friends, family, and co-workers, collect at your church, or table at the farmers market, everyone's help is needed.
For more info visit the website or contact Scott Bates, the initiative's chief petitioner at scott@oregonrighttoknow.org and (971) 266-0920.

Also in Oregon, a group of Organic and non-GMO farmers and gardeners is petitioning to pass a County ordinance that will prohibit the growing of genetically engineered crops in Jackson County.

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