jueves, enero 06, 2011

Stop monsanto's new frankencrops

Don't Let Obama's USDA Approve Monsanto's RoundUp Ready Alfalfa!
Stop Monsanto's Frankensugar!

Recent legal victories won by the Center for Food Safety have given sustainable agriculture activists an opportunity to stop two new Frankencrops, genetically engineered sugar beets and alfalfa.

Monsanto's alfafa and sugar beets are spliced with manipulated foreign genes that allow them to withstand massive doses of Monsanto's RoundUp herbicide. Not only are these so-called "RoundUp Ready" crops dangerous for human consumption (check out "The Top 10 Reasons to Label Genetically Engineered Food"), but scientists are warning that the RoundUp itself "may have dire consequences for agriculture such as rendering soils infertile, crops non-productive, and plants less nutritious."

The courts have ruled that the USDA (under President George W. Bush), acted illegally when they approved genetically engineered alfalfa and sugar beets without first looking at their potential environmental impacts, like whether Monsanto's crops could permanently contaminate the supply of normal alfalfa and sugar beet seeds with their Frankengenes.

Now, the ball is in the USDA's court (under President Barack Obama). Unfortunately, it looks like Obama's USDA is just as likely to cave to Monsanto's biotech bullying as Bush's. Only massive public opposition to Monsanto's new Frankencrops can turn this around.

Don't Let Obama's USDA Approve Monsanto's RoundUp Ready Alfalfa!
Stop Monsanto's Frankensugar!

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