domingo, enero 02, 2011

Stop GMO Contamination of Organic!


So far, 29,210 OCA activists have written Obama's USDA, urging Secretary Vilsack to give up his idea of "coexistence" between GMOs and organic. "Coexistence" will inevitably lead to GMOs contaminating organic crops and destroying the organic seed supply. Instead, Vilsack should:

  • Block Monsanto's new GM alfalfa and any other GM crop that isn't fully safety-tested
  • Implement a strict-liability, polluter-pays rule that holds Monsanto responsible for the harms their GM crops and herbicides cause farmers, farm workers, the environment and consumers
  • Require all Frankenfoods tainted with Monsanto's GMOs and chemicals to be labeled.

Please write to the USDA to tell them what you think of their new Environmental Impact Statement on GM alfalfa before the comment period ends on January 23, 2011.

Take Action


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1 Comentarios:

Blogger eduardo vargas dijo...

Para hacerlo mas facil a la gente, sugiero usar algún sistema automatizado donde solo haya que firmar y si deseas algún comentario. En algún momento usé
para una petición a algún legislador, fue muy fácil

11:35 p.m.  

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