domingo, mayo 24, 2015

Government witch hunt to eliminate Monsanto critics, by Jon Rappoport

“Anybody can fake scientific results. But to be believed, you want a prestigious organization behind you with a billion-dollar budget and access to compliant reporters. You want to manipulate technical language. You want to keep saying how much you care about people. And then you also want to get down and dirty when you have to, and threaten and coerce your in-house scientific dissenters who won’t go along with the fakery. Cut their pay, demote them, fire them, ruin their careers and lives. This is all standard procedure in the major leagues of science. I’ve watched it happen.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)
Wonder how a federal agency as large as the USDA can keep claiming pesticides like Roundup are safe?
Wonder how the truth can be kept from leaking out?
Wonder how this agency, tasked with protecting the public from unsafe food, can turn fake science into “real science” like clockwork?

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