viernes, octubre 05, 2012

Ban Roundup

Ban Monsanto's Birth-Defect-&-Cancer-Causing RoundUp!
Tell the EPA to Ban Glyphosate
Take Action Now!

The EPA is currently conducting a "Registration Review" of glyphosate. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto's herbicide RoundUp. The EPA will be making a final decision no earlier than 2015.
The EPA has the power to ban glyphosate, and it should, given glyphosate is:
A new peer-reviewed research paper by the French group of Gilles-Eric Seralini reveals devastating effects on rats fed diets containing genetically modified corn, with and without the herbicide Roundup, as well as Roundup alone. Rats that spent their lives drinking water contaminated with RoundUp (at levels allowed in U.S. drinking water) developed enormous cancerous tumors and died prematurely. Seralini's study extends the work of others which have demonstrated the toxicity and/or endocrine-based impacts of Roundup. This peer-reviewed study has been criticized by scientists with ties to the biotech industry whose views have been widely reported in the popular press, but independent scientists back the study.

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