miércoles, mayo 05, 2010

P.R. delegation takes part in biotech convention

By CB Online Staff

Economic Development & Commerce Secretary José Ramón Pérez-Riera announced that a Puerto Rico delegation is participating for a sixth consecutive year in the Biotechnology Industry Association’s annual convention this week as part of efforts to attract potential investors to the island.

Puerto Rico will be represented at the BIO 2010 convention in Chicago by a local delegation led by Pérez-Riera and including Puerto Rico Industrial Development Co. (Pridco) Executive Director Javier Vázquez Morales, Agriculture Secretary Javier Rivera Aquino and members of the BIO Alliance, the University of Puerto Rico, the Science & Technology Trust, among other entities.

“Gov. Luis Fortuño has a firm commitment to the development of the biotechnology industry on the island and has a clear vision that we need to transform our economy to one based on knowledge to maintain a competitive position globally,” said Pérez-Riera.

Vázquez Morales indicated that Puerto Rico is recognized as one of the principal destinations for biotechnology companies, being the third biotechnology manufacturing power in the world.

“We are going to show our value offer as well as identify opportunities to attract more investment, form new alliances and establish new business relationships that contribute to encourage an industry that has a proven development potential.”

Rivera Aquino commented that although it’s the first time an island Agriculture Department chief is participating in this convention, agrobiotechnology is a sector with ample economic potential that should not be ignored.

“Puerto Rico has a lot of scientific and agriculture talent. It’s not a coincidence that companies such as Monsanto and Bayer have representation on the island. Without a doubt we are going to create alliances to produce growth in this sector,” Rivera Aquino

The convention attracts more than 20,000 executives, investors, entrepreneurs as well as biotechnology industry leaders of more than 60 countries.

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