jueves, abril 08, 2010

European Conference on GMO-free Regions, Biodiversity and Rural Development


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GMO Free Europe 2010 -16 - 18 September 2010

6th European Conference of GMO-Free Regions in Brussels and Ghent - Call for Participation

2010 will be a decisive year for the future of GMOs in Europe. New approvals for the cultivation of GMOs and new legislative proposals by the European Commission are pending. With his approval of the first GMO for cultivation since 1998 the new Commissioner in charge sent out a clear message about his intentions.GMO-Free Europe 2010 will send back an equally clear message and prepare for further action.

The GMO-Free movement has continuously expanded, increased and diversified all across Europe and well beyond. On September 16 at our session in the European Parliament we will present our demands to the public and to institutions in Brussels. For two days we will then retreat to Ghent for exchanging experiences, ideas and strategies, for discussing the challenges ahead and for preparing joint activities on GMOs as well as related issues.

We invite representatives from formal and informal GMO-free regions, GMO-free initiatives and activists on related issues from all over Europe. Breeders and seed exchangers, farmers, bee-keepers, gmo-free traders, processors and retailers as well as consumers, critical scientists and environmental activists are welcome. Interested in being a part of the planning and helping to determine the agenda? Contact us now! Check back frequently for updates on the program and registration!


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